cross country!

on cross I came 9th.But I don’t want to go on Friday  but my mum said if I ran and if I get tired I have to jog and I cant walk she will give me $100 to spend at the arcade so I have to do it.I ran the whole way with my friend marea she laughed at me when I fell in the mud!I HATE CROSS COUNTRY!

Term 2 reflection 2024



This term I have been proud of the following achievements.


In reading I can read a lot more big books


In writing this term 

I can write a lot in a short time


In maths 

I’m getting better at my 3 times tables


In PE this term I hate pe


During our inquiry of Matariki I enjoyed doing the matariki animation

What skill did you enjoy learning the most? flower sticks

What did you find the most challenging?flower sticks

How did you feel you did in the performance?idk

What would you like to get better at?plates

The bananas

One day Bob went to the store to get some food because he was really fat he took his BMW but he could not fett in it  so Bob got into his mini van he stated to dive but hafe way there his mini van broke down a man named jeff pull over and give him a banan and left Bob didn’t know why Jeff had gived him a banana he sat in his car and tryed to start it up and it wroked  so Bob shut the door and headed off Bob got to the store he went in got his food and when he came out of the shop his car was felled with bananas he didn’t know what to do with them so he went home and decided to sell them and he got really rich the end.





On the school holidays

On the school holidays I went to a 💧hole. With my sister, my brother and my brother’s friend. We jumped off the 🪨 and went down the waterfall it was really 👍😁.My birthday was on the holiday my sister got me lots of 💄.My dad got me a ⛰🚲. And my brother got me a road cone.Amaya came over to my 🏠and we did face mask. Me and my mum went 🛍 for my birthday and me got fast 🥙 for diner.


Pukewhau is a mountain close to the sea in Waiaua,Weitetoki or Hihi.There is a River on that mountain and it comes down into the sand by the sea.Thats the place called Pukewhau River.